Park Ridge Early Learning Centre
At our Centre we offer Before and After School Care along with specialised programs for School Vacation Care.
Within our school aged care programs, we offer a wide range of challenging and interesting experiences to capture children’s interests and imagination. We recognise the diverse needs, interests and skill sets of school aged children and are committed to offering experiences which they can enjoy within a relaxed environment. These programs are run by our specialised staff who specifically facilitate all school aged care programs
We have 2 spacious rooms for our school aged children to use, and a wide variety of Indoor activities for children to choose from. Our school aged area, also includes an incredibly large outdoor area to allow children space to kick balls, and to run and explore. This area also caters for those children who choose to undertake some quiet time outdoors. At Park Ridge we provide nutritious snacks as part of our after school care program.
Our vacation care programs include both incursions and excursions to the children’s favourite destinations and events. Please contact us should you like further information regarding the next vacation care program.